Day 8 – Exploring Angkor Wat

Final day today of my great adventure & challenge.

As usual, breakfast at 6am and ready to leave by 7.30am on our bikes from outside the front of the hotel. Quite an emotional day for everyone as most of the group have raised money for their individual charities. We have all worked so hard to get to this point and now this was it.

We stayed on the main roads as we headed towards Angkor World heritage site. We stopped at the ticket office on the way to pick up our entry passes, then headed towards the temples.

We visited 2 of the outer temples before lunch. These were amazing and one was used in the tomb raider movie. Lots of photos taken. Seeing the tree roots growing through the temple was something else. I really do not think my photos do any of it justice.

We then headed off to lunch before the final part of the ride and then a walk around the main temple – Angkor Wat.

Cycling through the finish line was emotional. As the last person came through the heavens opened and we all stood in the rain hugging, crying and laughing with each other.

Once we had finished our mini celebration, we sorted out our bikes, removed pedals, bags, saddle covers etc, then headed off on foot towards the temple.


The temple came into view and you could hear gasps from everyone as it is just as big as you imagined. We got to walk around the temple and inside. There were lots of steps but some amazing views from the top.

Tonight we have a celebration dinner with traditional dance display then the plan is to head to “Pub Street” (yes there really is a street called Pub Street) for a drink or several.

One Comment

  1. Yay!!! Congratulations on finishing the ride of a lifetime! We are so proud of you raising money and awareness for such an amazing charity 🙂 Can’t wait to see you when you get home!