Day 7 – Kompong Thom to Siem Reap

As per the drill, 6am breakfast, leaving the hotel by 7am. This time we had a 2 hour transfer by bus to our start point.

On the way we stopped off at a bridge at Spean Preah Toeus. This is an ancient bridge which they have preserved. Quite beautiful.

Spean Preah Toeus Bridge

Back on the bus for 30mins to our start point. Today was mostly dirt tracks with some main tarmac roads. the soil/dirt was very red. The off roading wasn’t too bad as it hadn’t rained for a couple of days so had dried out, meaning you could see how deep the pot holes were. We rode through some amazing scenery. Lots of farmland with pigs, cows and plenty of rice growing as well as the harvested rice being dried out in gardens by the side of the roads.

The local roads

The locals were really friendly and the children were running out to wave at you and shout hello. Such sweet smiling faces encouraging us on.

Lunch today was amazing! Although we have thoroughly enjoyed the local food, we welcomed the lunch sandwiches & chips today.


We continued on similar roads again, stopping every 15k for a water and snack break until we reached our final destination – our hotel in Siem Reap. The hotel is beautiful and we get to stay here for 2 nights. First things first, shower off all the dirt then straight to the pool for a swim and a beer.

Dinner was at a local restaurant and as always the food was delicious.

Just one more ride to go!

One Comment

  1. Sooooo proud of you! What an amazing adventure!