About Me

Marissa Clark

I’ve always want to got to Vietnam for a very long time. To see the country, experience the food, learn about the history and explore. It’s been a destination on my bucket list for as long as I can remember.

Cambodia has been up there too for the scenery and history, in particular the temples of Angkor Wat.

When the chance came to sign up to Global Adventure Challenges’ trip to cycle from Vietnam to Cambodia in 2019 there was nothing that was going to hold me back. My husband (Tim) did a charity motorcycle ride in 2007 down through India, so I knew that being on two wheels is a great way to really experience a country.

So was all set to go in 2019 and then we had to postpone the trip for a year. And then that little thing called Covid-19 stopped the trip from happening in 2020, 2021 and now it’s finally happening in 2022.

I’m not a super enthusiastic cyclist, but I’ve enjoyed cycling with Tim to get some miles in my legs before heading off.

I’m just a normal full-time Mum/Wife and part-time administrator for a local church with a desire to explore these two countries.