Day 6 – Phnom Penh to Kompong Thom

Breakfast was at 6am and we had to leave the hotel by 7am. We walked over the road to get our bikes then headed down to the river to take a boat across to the other side.

Queuing to get on the boat

Once off the boat we cycled on what felt like one long road in 34oC. There was little shade along the road and if you think the roads in the Uk are bad, well they have nothing on the roads here. We were dodging pot-holes all the way and there were a lot of road works and bridge reconstructing going on. The roads here have a lot more cars on them than in Vietnam.

Lunch was in the grounds of a temple. There were a lot of school children playing and they were very interested in us. We had a packed lunch today. Same sort of food as before (rice, spring rolls, chicken skewers) just cold.

Our lunch stop

After lunch there was more of the same road, but the last 6k were all off road and was very wet & muddy. Great fun though. At the end of the road we took another boat across the river where our bus was waiting to meet us to transfer us (2 hour journey) to our hotel.

It seemed that everyone struggled today. It was likely a mix of the heat and the rest day yesterday. However, even a couple of our local guides said they struggled with the heat today.

Last boat of the day

Dinner was at a local restaurant and we were all delighted when they served us a plate of chips as one of the courses.

Muddy at the end


  1. Loving the blog Marissa, and the awesome photos. Praying that you’ll be refreshed and strengthened for each day.

  2. Love your comment about the chips, you can definitely have too much rice !!