Day 3 – Tra Vinh to Can Tho

Another early start following another rubbish nights sleep. My brain will not switch on to Vietnam time!

Set off at 7:30am for a 5k ride to a local temple. It was stunning (see pics). From there we set off on our 90k ride through mostly rice paddies. Scenery didn’t disappoint. There was a mix of main busy roads and quiet single dirt tracks.

Where ever you are there are always children and some adults shouting out hello and waving to you as you go by. Not trying to sell you something, just being friendly.

Rice Paddy Fields

Lots of sights and smells from Jasmin to cow dung laid out in the sun to dry.

Typical single track roads
Rice drying in the sun

After a couple of nights of no sleep, I wasn’t sure I was gong to make the 90k. I spoke to the leaders at breakfast about it and they said I could do as much as I wanted and if I felt I couldn’t continue I could just get on the bus. So I set myself a goal of getting to the lunch to at around 45k. I managed this and following lunch, managed to get a second wind and cracked on with the last half of the ride. I am so pleased that I didn’t give up.

Tonight’s hotel room
Jane (my room mate) and me

It was another hot and humid day, my cycling tan is coming on nicely 😁


  1. Deborah Godwin

    Wow looks amazing

  2. Marissa, this makes lovely reading, well done for coping as well as you are, especially with the humidity. You are making memories that will last a life time, can’t wait to read your next installment.

    God bless,

  3. michael clark

    i am proud of you mum. don’t give up. enjoy the argument free house.