Day 4 – Can Tho to Chau Doc

Today was another early start leaving the hotel at 7am. Thankfully I slept last night. We headed down to the Mai Con river where we boarded a boat to see the floating market. Quite an image- lots of boats selling there goods. They each have a long pole on the back of the boat with the item or items they are selling hanging from it. So if the were selling pineapples then they would have a pineapple hanging from it.

Me on the boat off to the floating market

After the floating market we headed to our bike pick up point and headed out of the city.

We had a good ride through the city and then on to more local roads. Took a wrong turn when coming over a bridge, turning right instead of left, but to be fair we were all following those in front. A guide on a moped caught us up and told us to stop while he carried on in his search for the “Peloton” group who were racing off into the distance.eventually they all starting coming back so we followed behind and were soon back on the right road.

After lunch we had the last 15k to do on one long straight road. We got off to a good start, then my riding buddy, Paula’s, gears started locking so we pulled over to get these fixed. This then put us at the back for the first time, but once fixed, we made headway and were soon back to our comfortable position of middle of the pack. The only way to get the 15k done on a very long straight road was to chat the whole way.

We reached the end of the ride, got all our gear off the bikes (pedals, saddle cover, etc) then has a photo done. Onto the bus, which was well stocked with beer & snacks, for the 2 hour bus ride to the hotel.

We enjoyed dinner in the hotel and gave a thank you to our Vietnamese guides, then it was off to the Karaoke bar over the road. No I didn’t Sing!

Unable to upload photos today as WiFi is not great. Will add them in tomorrow.

Hanging Around Again

One Comment

  1. Excellent blogging lovely! What an adventure 😊😊