Day 2 – Ho Chi Minh city to Ben Tre and then Tra Vinh

Didn’t sleep at all last night. Too much going around in my head and nervous excitement. Got up at 6am to get breakfast as we had to be ready to leave the hotel by 7.30am. We had a short bus ride to Ben Tre where we picked up the bikes and started the journey.

I would say the ride level today was relatively easy as it was pretty flat. We had the odd hill going over bridges and one massive bridge. Most of the riding was through coconut plantations and rice paddies. Some busy roads where it felt like you were part of Whacky Races. We had a boat ride across a river and went over a very dodgy wooden bridge. Had an amazing lunch (picture below) and 45 miles later we reached the hotel.

Picked up the bike & ready to start
Coconut plantations
The boat ride

Cycling along today was great as it gave us all a chance to chat with each other as we went along. Most people on the trip and raising funds for a charity dear to their hearts and some just came for a holiday!

Lots of fluids were drunk today (not just the beer in the bar at the end of the day), some great food eaten and definitely some new friends made. The weather was roasting so even with factor 50 on, we are all looking a little pink this evening.

Inside the coconut factory
Lunch – pork broth with noodles

So far Vietnam is as beautiful and friendly as I imagined it would be.


  1. Looks amazing! Beautiful photos!

  2. Looks absolutely amazing

    Well done you